Thursday, August 28, 2008

Febrile Seizure

So we had a scare of a lifetime last night. After daycare Andrew seemed tired and clingy but we just thought he was tired from starting back to day care full time. Then about 8:30 pm he was burning up. We took his temp and it was 102.3. So Kyle headed to the other room to get some medicine and I finished getting him ready for bed. Which took about a minute and then he started having a seizure. I freaked out and started yelling for Kyle to call 911 because this had never happened before and I was scared to death. Luckily the police dept. & fire dept. are right around the corner and were here so fast. They said it was a febrile seizure. That is a seizure that is caused by a fever spiking really high really fast. I rode in the ambulance down to the hospital while Kyle found someone to come stay with Jake (thanks Maude) and then came down with us. Kyle parents also drove the hour and a half to be here. They came to see Andrew first and then headed to the house to take over for Maude and stayed with Jake until we got home. The doctor thought Andrew had an infection that cause the fever which caused the seizure but they never found an infection. Poor kid had chest x-rays, 2 rectal temps. taken, suppository Tylenol, and a catheter. Let's just say he was not a happy camper but he was a trooper. We finally got sent home about 1:00 am with the instructions to alternate Tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours. Of course we were paranoid about him sleeping and didn't really get much sleep because we just wanted to monitor him to make sure it didn't happen again. Kyle has been with him all day and his temp. has been up and down with the medicine. Tomorrow we have an appointment with his pediatrician and we'll see what he has to say.

Apparently these febrile seizures are common and normal in children 6 months to 6 years old. Well I can tell you there is nothing common or normal about watching your child go through this. I am still scared to death to take my eyes off him. I just pray it never happens again but if it does at least I will be a little more prepared. I am sure just as scared but more prepared.


Karen said...

How awful! Please let us know what the doctor says.

Ong said...

So glad he's okay, keep us posted.

Katie said...

How scary! My son has seizures related to Autism, and I remember how scared I was the first few times. It's hard to have that happen, and there isn't really anythng you can do about it. My prayers are with you. Take care of that little guy, and yourself.

Britany said...

That would be so scary!!! I am glad it turned out okay.