Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Well the air was finally fixed on Saturday. Unbelievable! But at least it is finally working again and we can function.

In other news life is insane and full of twists and turns. Things are not going so great at Kyle's job and he probably won't have it much longer. Long story. Anyway, we are just trying to figure out if we should even stay in this awful desert that we both hate or just bail and head north back to my family. It is very tempting but it is so hard to leave a school when I just got tenure. Plus we would have to find someone to live with because there is no way we would be able to sell our house. So we would still be paying for it. It is hard to give up your own living space and change everything. So who knows what will happen. We are both applying for jobs up north and Kyle is looking for work here too. So only time will tell. Hopefully we will figure it out soon. It is no fun having your whole world turned upside down and not knowing what is coming next. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! That pretty much sums up how I am feeling right now.


Kathy said...

I am so glad that your A/C is finally fixed! I know how miserable the heat can be, and without an A/C...yuk!

I don't blame you guys for wanting to move out of the hot desert. We feel the same way. I've always wanted to move to Utah again. I lived there for almost two years, back when I was 21, and I have always wanted to go back there to live. We'd also have a hard time selling our home too. Right now, we're kind of stuck here for awhile. But someday we plan to move to Utah. I can't wait.

Good luck to you guys! I hope that Kyle either gets a job where you are now, or that you both can get new one's up North.

~Our Family~ said...

I'm sorry to hear about Kyle and not knowing what to do next.. Where is your family from? Oh yeah this is Cindy from the lds adoption group.. I hope you don't mind me reading your blog. I added it to my blog so I could keep track of the happenings in your life.. You touched my life by your kindness. If there is anything that I can do to help let me know.. Love Cindy