Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Fun on the Ranch

We went to visit my grandparents this weekend. I wanted them to meet Jacob and see how big Andrew had gotten. It was a great visit and everyone enjoyed themselves. Especially Andrew. Uncle David became his new best friend. He would follow his uncle around and lift up his arms because he wanted to be able to pet the horses. They also went for a ride and while Andrew seemed unsure at first he sure did not want to get off. They also have a baby horse and puppies. There were a couple of cows and the neighbors have goats. So all in all there was a lot to discover. Andrew just wanted to run around the whole time. He also found the cover wagon and the whip. He thought it was so fun to swing it around. It was a blast. Here are some pictures from our adventure.

Andrew & Jacob with great grandpa & great grandma

Kyle & Jacob with Trixy

Andrew playing with the whip on the wagon.

Andrew riding.

Uncle David & Andrew riding

Uncle David & Andrew petting baby Kelly.

1 comment:

Britany said...

How did Jacob do in the car?